Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Facebook Marketing

B2B or B2C - it is all Human to Human now!

Here are a few tips and best practices that I have found fruitful for social media marketing on FB. No big lectures and huge explanations - just a few pointers I strongly feel noteworthy...

1. Try different type of content because you never know your audience as much as you think you do. A study of their engagement is your best market research. Below are some different types of content you could try out.

a.) Memes and cartoons - People dig them and they are the most shared types of content!

b.) A single catchy line - this could be a question or an attractive status message. Remember "Less is More!"

c.) A photo with a link if you need to navigate them out of FB

d.) A series of photos in an album from your latest event or from you latest product launch. Make sure you name the album and give it a proper heading so that people to talk about it. It shouldn't come under "iOS photos or Mobile photos or Timeline photos".

e.) A photo with a simple question

f.) A puzzle or poll or fill in the blanks

g.) Videos and infographics are always a hit

h.) Organizational news and pictures with employees

2. Post at the right times of the day and at the right times of the week. Check your notifications for the exact times or see the time when users comment. The ones that comment most are the ones that give you most engagement. Draw out a pattern for their timings. This could take a while but will be totally worth it.

3. Make your posts personal. Using 1st person is recommended. Which one of the below posts do you think is more noteworthy? (Courtesy:

Today’s special is the bacon double cheeseburger for $5.


Hey today for lunch I’m stuffing my face with this massive bacon double cheeseburger! And it’s only $5 bucks! ~Scott

4. Reply to comments, thank users for compliments and always answer them when a concern is raised. The mind space you create in users when they feel a connect towards your brand is the first step towards brand loyalty. This needn't even be your target customers. It can be anybody, even a 13 year old student who just happened to show an extra interest in your technology-centered start up. You never know how word of mouth spreads!

5. Use your hashtags wisely. You just have to be sensible with this one. One hard set rule would be to not use many. You need not use them with every post also. It is a personal call but be rest assured that there are a lot of folks out there who find the overdose of hashtags annoying.

On Twitter and Instagram, hashtag is all you need. Facebook is still slow on this. I think I'll die waiting for hashtags to come on LinkedIn.

6. Check out your analytics! It's pure genius and it takes no genius to figure them. Just be patient.

7. Your profile picture and cover picture speak a lot more than 1000 words. Coming from a Design background, it irks me to say this, but guys...please make sure all your pictures are never pixelated. FB does that for you anyway, to suit all platforms (mobile, PCs, tablets, etc.). So when you upload a picture, make sure it is of high quality.

8. Complete your "About" section. People come to your Page seeking content and information. Don't send them away disheartened.

9. Run a contest. People love winning - bank on it! Nonetheless, do read the terms and conditions of FB before running a contest. If you didn't know, FB contests need to be strictly run on 3rd party apps. Simple messages like "Like our Page to enter the contest" alone can make FB remove your Page.

So all you Page owners, never underestimate the authority of FB to take down your Page. You'll be surprised at the number of Pages they take down every single day. Have a quick look here at the Facebook Page Guidelines.

Have fun Facebooking!

Facebook Marketing

B2B or B2C - it is all Human to Human now! Here are a few tips and best practices that I have found fruitful for social media market...